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Comprehensive Feedback That Speaks Your Language

Let Wise Owl draft detailed feedback based on your rubrics and assignment guidelines. Get both holistic comments and criterion-specific feedback. Review and customize as needed.

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Quality Feedback at Scale

Combine AI-powered suggestions with your teaching expertise to deliver consistent, high-quality feedback that helps every student improve.

Comprehensive Suggestions

Generate detailed feedback across all aspects of student work. Our AI analyzes both overall performance and specific rubric criteria, ensuring no important feedback points are missed.

Comprehensive Suggestions

Teacher-Controlled Refinement

Easily modify AI-generated suggestions to align with your teaching philosophy. Add personal insights, adjust language, or completely revise as needed.

Teacher-Controlled Refinement

Consistent Quality

Maintain high-quality feedback across all submissions. Our AI ensures every student receives detailed comments while you maintain control over the final message.

Consistent Quality

Frequently Asked Questions

Transforming the Way
You Grade Student Essays!

Take the first step towards efficient grading and say goodbye to tedious grading.

Wise Owl Teacher Review

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